We're excited to offer a brand new product -
DIY Taxes for $79.99!

DIY Taxes


DIY Taxes

File your individual taxes from the comfort of your home, no matter how complex! Auto-save so you can return at any time!

Powered by Column Tax


Powered by Column Tax

We are proud to be the FIRST tax firm in the United States to offer this service, as a proud partner of Column Tax - a best in industry tax filing software vetted by Manjas.

IRS Resolution Support


IRS Resolution Support

Even though you are preparing your taxes alone, don't worry - we're still here. Filing service also includes support on any issues with your return or with the IRS, at no extra cost.

Why Choose Manjas x Column Tax?




File taxes as quick as possible, returns take an average of 15-20 minutes




Protecting your data is our #1 priority, with Column Tax as our partner, we take advantage of being the first US Tax Firm to E-file through a consumer technology approved by the IRS




Unlike other products in the market, we charge a flat fee of $79.99 to file your taxes - no additional charges or hidden fees!